Agile Taipei 天王龍版: 組織設計是一系列選擇


我們會用系統思考來幫助看到不同選擇產生的全局和長期影響, 並以這些洞察來指導我們的組織設計, 從而希望產生更多預期的後果







Lv Yi,  呂毅

呂毅 在 2008 年成為中國的第一位認證Scrum 培訓師,現在作為 Odd-e 的敏捷教練幫助更多的組織做敏捷轉型,輔導團隊改進他們的產出和學習提高。 

Lv Yi lives in Hangzhou, China. He is the first Certified Scrum Trainer from China since 2008. As a coach at Odd-e, he gives his best expertise to help more organizations transform to Agile, and coach teams to improve their output and learning.

He had worked in various positions in Telecom industry since graduation in 2000, ranging from Software Developer to Management position such as development manager, project manager and quality manager.

From late 2005, he started to get acquainted with Agile software development, in particular, Scrum. First, he introduced Scrum to manage the projects, then, acted as driving force in transforming the whole product organization. He led a department inside that product organization and focused on developing teams and Scrum Masters to create sustainability. Since he joined Odd-e at the end of 2010, he worked with more industries, recently focusing on Internet industry and large-scale organizational transformation.

圖像裡可能有Yi Lv、室內


Odd-e is a company originally founded by Bas Vodde in 1999 in Amsterdam, Holland. At that time we provided help in software development projects. In 2001, Bas moved to China. Since 2005 Odd-e (now located in Singapore) provides training and coaching related to product development and agile development, lean development, quality management and Scrum.


本次 聚會的活動將會酌收費用 NT 100 元,請參與者進入會場時繳交,如果有任何不便之處,還請見諒。


Agile Community 是一群對Agile技術有興趣或是狂熱的人所組成,期待藉由經驗分享、技術交流與讀書心得討論來讓台灣軟體開發能更進步,工作能更快樂。


1501趨勢講堂 / 台北市敦化南路二段198號15F

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2018/10/01 10:00(+0800) ~ 2018/10/25 18:00(+0800) End of Sale
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